To have a productive conversation, here are some tips to consider:
1. Before the meeting, talk to your child about his or her school experience, both academically and socially. Review your child's report card and write down questions you want to ask the teacher.
2. Go into the meeting with a positive attitude. Relax, feel confident and be open to the teacher's thoughts and suggestions.
3. Start the conversation by introducing yourself and stating who your child is. If you have any concerns, let the teacher know you'd like to talk about them. Tell the teacher about your child's interests, homework routine and any changes at home that may affect his or her school work.
4. End the conversation by expressing your willingness to work with the teacher to support your child's learning.
(Reprinted from the Ontario Ministry of Education
Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed at school. They can have a negative impact on learning, and jeopardize the safety and privacy of other students. ~In addition, they tend to be targets of theft. Parents can contact their children through the main office if there is an emergency or leave a message for their child at the office for non-emergencies.
The dress code has been developed by the Bluewater District School Board and can be accessed at /UserFiles/Servers/Server_8166100/File/About%20Us/Polices%20and%20Procedures/BP_1404-D.pdf.
We encourage students to dress with respect for themselves and others in a manner appropriate to the educational setting. Clothing is to be free of alcohol, drug signs, offensive language or suggestive pictures.
As part of our school's commitment to our children's safety, you are reminded that anyone visiting the school during school hours is required to sign in and out at the office. We also ask parents picking up children after school wait at the outside doors. Your children will meet you there. Your co-operation is appreciated.
We have set up a safety system whereby we know when children are absent or late from school. We ask parents to call us at the school if their child is going to be absent or late. Please leave a message on the safe arrival mailbox, extension number 100. We will attempt to call you should your child not arrive at school, and we have not heard from you. This routine is for the protection of your child. Please help make the system work.
At this time we must ask for your assistance when picking up your children both during and at the end of the day. If you are picking up your child please come directly to the school office to make those arrangements. If you need to pick your child up between 2:45 - 3:10, please advise the office prior to 2:00 pm.
At the end of the day in order to avoid confusion and congestion, it is helpful to arrange to meet your child(ren) at a specific location outside the school. Many parents arrange to meet children outside their entrance doors or at the big tree at the front of the school. Thank you for your help.
In the event that a child becomes ill at school, we will first attempt to contact parents at home or at work. If a parent cannot be reached, we will contact the individual designated as the emergency contact. If no one can be reached we will make the child as comfortable as possible. No child will be sent home unless it has been confirmed that there is a responsible person present to receive the child. Although we try to control all potentially hazardous games and activities, accidents may occur. In most cases minor First Aid is all that is required. When a serious injury occurs, the parent or designate will be informed of the need for medical attention.
Medication will only be dispensed with proper authorization. The Bluewater District School Board has a policy in place for the administration of medication. Students requiring medication during the school day must have an authorization form completed by parents. A new form is required each year or when the medication is changed. All medication will be kept in a secure location in the office area.
The Nutrition Program at Alexandra continues to provide nourishing food for our students each day. Students are welcome to have a snack each day from the bin provided in the classroom which includes three food groups - fruit/veg, grains and dairy daily. If you would like to help out with the program, please call the school at 376-6306. We gratefully accept donations (no peanut products please).
Head Lice are sometimes a concern for our families. We will do our best to inform you if there are cases of head lice in your child's class. You can help by checking your child's head regularly for evidence of nits and lice. Head lice do not pick and choose their hosts, they like everyone. So, don't assume that it won't be your family. If you detect nits or lice, please notify the school.